Overview of Energy Production and Metabolism
Over the next several weeks, I am going to write a series of articles detailing several of the intricate metabolic pathways we use to produce energy. Metabolism is a branch of science which examines the various chemical reactions occurring in our bodies. These reactions can assimilate small parts into larger ones (anabolic) or they can break larger molecules into smaller pieces (catabolic). This particular branch of science holds a special place in my heart due to my interest in anything energy-related and due to the fact that it’s so dang important. These reactions power all our bodily functions and daily living. Here’s what I hope to accomplish:
· Discuss the concept of energy and describe what it actually is and what it means.
· Discuss the human body’s energy currency, a fancy molecule called ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate. The way in which ATP forms and breaks apart is key to meeting our energy needs, especially during exercise. I’ll give an example of how ATP provides energy for muscle contraction.
· Describe the main ATP-generating pathways in the human body. I will describe what each one is, and how it accomplishes its goal of producing ATP. I will briefly touch on the types of exercise favored by each energy pathway.
· Lastly, I will discuss macro nutrients and their calorie contents. Calories are a measure of energy.
Researching and learning about this topic has been so interesting and I can’t wait to share my knowledge with you. If you are new here, and want to learn more about the science behind athletics and performance, be sure you enter your email in the link below.
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