Sample Training Program

for upper body “push” day

Below is a sample progression for an upper body ‘push’ day which focuses on muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Consider the Machine Chest Press exercise: each set has a certain number of repetitions (15) performed against an external resistance (150). By performing the specified number of sets (5) you can then calculate the total amount of resistance moved for this particular exercise by multiplying the sets (5) x repetitions (15) x resistance (15) to get a final number (11,250), aka the volume.  Volume is one of the key measureables we track.

Exercise Sets Repetitions Resistance (lbs) Volume (sets x reps x resistance)
Machine Chest Press  5  15  150  11,250
Dumbell Incline Bench Press  5  12  45  2,700
1-Arm Cable Press  3  10  40  1,200
Body Weight Pushups  3  25  1  75
Dips  3  10  1  30
        Total: 15,255